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Sales & So Much More

Order/Sales Capturing

Order and lead capture is effective in ensuring that your customers get in touch with a knowledgeable agent after hours that will capture all orders, leads, and customer information directly into the website or software provided. It's also an excellent alternative for individuals who are unable to get online; plus, although most people can navigate through a website easily these days, there are still some that might need assistance or who are just more comfortable speaking with a live person instead of ordering off a website. Customers have more confidence in websites that have a live person for support.


We have many years of experience working with businesses who expect the most professional service at the best price. Whether your company has an established website or utilizes traditional advertising methods, our company provides a service that is both professional and personalized. Don't miss out on any potential new customers, clients or opportunities. We capture your sales around the clock.


Event Registration
Class, Seminar and Event Registration-We can support your events or manage your ongoing class and seminar registration needs. Confirmation calls, letters, and registration packet fulfillment can all be arranged by our staff according to your needs. We can also process convention paperwork or help tally the results of how you did.

Email Response
Class, Seminar and Event Registration - Our operators can respond to email requests from an email based customer service/customer sales support/and alarm notifications.



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